Thursday, February 26, 2015

Collection: Get Rich In Spite of Yourself - If You Can Count to Four Reference

New Collection Released: Get Rich in Spite of Yourself!

Collection: Get Rich In Spite of Yourself - If You Can Count to Four Reference

Imagine having everything you've ever wanted.

All the wealth, fine clothes, nice house, good food - everything you've ever thought of having.

And your job or place in life is exactly as you ever dreamed of - you are being just what you always wanted to be.

The way you can get this can be as simple as considering any problem you want to solve just before sleeping and then waking with the solution in mind. Yes, that simply.

James Breckenridge Jones solved the problem of making millionaires by studying the books in this collection, along with Napoleon Hill, Robert Collier, Thomas Troward and others. He boiled these down into a simple "Count to Four Formula" and wrote it down into a bestselling books which went into five editions and multiple printings.

This is a collection of references for anyone studying his classic millionaire-making handbook, “If You Can Count to Four...”

It is presented so that this wisdom doesn't again wall into the way of the famous "dusty tomes" which make the riches of the world available to any who read and apply what they contain -- if they can be discovered again.

In this collection:
  • Get Rich In Spite of Yourself - Louis M. Grafe,
  • The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D. Wattles,
  • How to Acquire Millions - N. H. Moos,
  • The Message of a Master - John McDonald, and
  • The Miracles of Your Mind - Joseph Murphy.

Your life is up to you. You are what you think about. There are no limits - you can be whatever you want to be. You can have whatever you want to have.

This book, as well as "If You Can Count to Four..." can take you in that direction and give you anything you've ever wanted.

But you have to read and apply.

(From the Forward)

Get Your Copy Today!


Trade paperback (6"x9",  286 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

New Release: James Breckenridge Jones' If You Can Count to Four

If You Can Count to Four... Here's How To Get Everything You Want Out Of Life!
by James Breckenridge Jones

New Release: James Breckenridge Jones' If You Can Count to Four

If You Can Count to Four, Here's How to Get Everything You Want Out of Life!

Yes, anyone who will, in the spirit of humility and sincere desire, study and learn how to use the ideas contained in this book, can enjoy a full measure of happiness, health and prosperity according to his individuality.

There is an infinite abundance in this universe. Not only is there an infinite abundance of happiness, faith, love, courage, joy, humility, wisdom, generosity, peace, gentleness, meekness, patience, kindness, and all such qualities one could ever desire to express habitually, but there is an infinite abundance of every material thing that one could ever desire to have in order to express his individuality.

The reason that so many people do not have the above in abundance is not because there is any shortage, it is simply because they are not aware of how to push the right button of appropriation. All things that one desires are available to one who understands the "Laws of Appropriation."

In other words, there is a simple set of rules by which all things are obtained, which anyone who really wants to learn them can learn and then be whatever he wants to be and have whatever he wants to have.

Yes, it is just that simple, and I want to share this idea with every person in the whole world, who is not already enjoying the full measure of life according to his individuality. I will speak mostly from experience, as I too, was poor, unhappy, and sick before I learned these simple rules. But now I am happy, healthy and more prosperous than I had ever dared dream before in my life.

Yes, this book tells anyone how to make his dreams come true. I challenge you to turn your back on all suggestions to the contrary and to get a new lease on life and began now to assume the captaincy of your own soul and design the type of person you really want to be, and design the things you really want to have and accept them and soon they all will become a reality.

If you will learn the ideas contained in this book and use it, I guarantee that you will realize your most cherished dreams.

(from the Introduction)

Get Your Copy Today


Trade paperback (6"x9", 158 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

New Release: Louis M. Grafe's "Get Rich In Spite of Yourself"

Classic Bestseller re-published:
Get Rich In Spite of Yourself
by Louis M. Grafe

Classic Bestseller re-published: Get Rich In Spite of Yourself by Louis M. Grafe

 "Many rich and successful men and women," declares the author of this helpful book, "have no more brains or energy than anyone else. They are usually driven to success.

Frequently they are so helpless they can't stop moving ahead even when they want to. Their money is made in spite of themselves!"

Louis M. Grafe, who made his own fortune, lost it, and then went on to earn another fortune, presents an astonishingly simple formula for wealth and success. He has tested it in his own experience and has found that it has brought wealth not only to him but to many other people.

Based on fundamental principles which you can find in your own copy of the Bible, this book demonstrates the existence and practical application of the Law of Success— the law which everyone who has ever made money or reached the top in their work has used, consciously or unconsciously.

The formula can be followed by anyone, rich or poor, in almost any job or business, in any honest trade or profession. And it is so simple that you can learn all you need to know about it in three hours. Marry readers wonder, after reading this book, why they did not discover the formula for themselves, it is so amazingly right, so plainly practical and workable.

GET RICH IN SPITE OF YOURSELF is one of the great inspirational books of our time. Read it now and you will find that you have never spent a more profitable three hours. 

(From the Forward)

Get Your Copy Today


Trade paperback (6"x9", 158 pages) available on Lulu and soon on Amazon and all brick-and-mortar bookstores:
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.